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Buy BLA tokens
The best ICO crypto GameFi of 2023 to Invest In

Energy Crisis Influence on Crypto Market

Energy crisis which broke out in Europe in 2022 led to stock and crypto market crash. Both markets have been falling for more than a year causing bankruptcy of companies which seemed to be financially strong and independent. Capitalization of crypto market dropped from $2 trillion USD to about $900 million USD. Prominent investor Warren Buffett having years of investing and academic approach to assets selection always repeats "the tide will show who bathed without panties". Smart investors are keeping an eye on emerging investments opportunities which could potentially bring them considerable return on their investments (ROI). New crypto companies which started development process in 2022 or earlier and managed to survive during the crypto winter are considered to be the most promising with enough safety margin by experts’ opinion.

Bear Market Investment Strategies

On the bear market some investors buy the dip investing in digital assets at huge discounts taking into account previous all-time-highs of Bitcoin and Ethereum. The others take the risk and invest in trending cryptocurrency projects through investment tool called Initial Coin Offering (ICO). Though the tool itself appeared a few years ago, mass media still believes ICO is newfangled way to search for investments. Cryptocurrency projects use ICO as fund raising mechanism to attract investments for further development. In turn, investors receive an opportunity to buy project’s native tokens at the most favorable price. Though ICO is a high-risk investment, our editorial staff conducted a scrutiny and selected the best ICO crypto GameFi 2023 to invest in. It’s not a financial advice or recommendation but investors should definitely take a look at the following investment opportunity.


BlaBlaGame Crypto Investment Opportunity 2023

In this article we are going to tell you about BlaBlaGame.io. BlaBlaGame is cryptocurrency project in GameFi field. The project was founded in late 2021 by a team of blockchain enthusiasts from Ukraine. They have been developing the project at their own expense from the ground. The main distinctive feature of BlaBlaGame is its innovation idea. The team from Ukraine decided to create the whole gaming ecosystem for crypto community. Developers announced their main product – rock-paper-scissors game on crypto. This idea has no competitors on the market yet which makes the project really unique. Another point is that this game is understandable by anyone in the world. No matter if you are a man or a woman, rich or poor, young or old – each person will easily can become a potential customer of BlaBlaGame. That opens a way to mass adoption of the project which is always a key to success. BlaBlaGame team made a bet on GameFi sector following the current gaming trend supported by large crypto investment funds, family offices and private investors. The team from Ukraine is acting sagely having presented solid website and working product. Now they open public round offering the crypto community to participate in BlaBlaGame ICO through native BlaBla token (BLA ticker) which can be purchased directly on BlaBlaGame token sale platform: https://blablagame.io/buy-bla-tokens.

BlaBlaGame Conception

Conception of the game is as simple as two plus two. The player makes a deposit in one of accepted cryptocurrencies (e.g. USDT ERC20 or TRC20), makes a bet. For example, 10 USDT. If the player wins, his balance is almost doubling. Why almost doubling? The system is charging a small fee in order to cover operational costs. If the player loses, his balance will be getting to zero. All or nothing. If the player plays in native BlaBla token, the system fee decreases significantly, that’s why many users prefer to play in native tokens rather than in USDT. Every user can invite a friend through referral system. This way the you will be earning from your referral games. The system is developed the way that if you play, you will be awarded with daily cashback. It’s done for motivation of players. Every month the team is conducting referral competition with a bank of 0.5 BTC. The rules are simple. You should invite as many friends as possible. The referral will be counted properly in case they buy at least 100 BlaBla tokens and plays at least 5 games. During the gaming process emotions appear. That’s why BlaBlaGame team presented user walls where the players can share their opinions about other players leaving positive, neutral or negative reviews.

BlaBla token (BLA)

BlaBla token (BLA) is the core element of the whole BlaBlaGame ecosystem which provides its token holders with number of bonuses and incentives. BlaBla token is ERC20 token which is issued on Ethereum blockchain. BlaBla token enables its holders to receive discounts on games, higher cashback rewards, higher position in rating system as well as higher referral deductions from referral games. BlaBla token holders receive an opportunity to customize their avatars according to their preferences. This feature partially represents an idea of NFT philosophy. Each user can choose the nickname which will be used later during the gaming process. A lot of investors took an investment decision to BlaBlaGame cause of staking options which the team announced recently through its native staking platform. There are a few BlaBla staking options staring from 3 to 12 months. The longer period the investor chooses, the higher reward will be paid in the end of staking period. At the moment of writing, the highest interest rate on BlaBla token is 40% APR.

40% Interest Rate on BlaBla Token

BlaBlaGame team set an ambitious goal and developed native staking platform as part of the whole gaming ecosystem. Investors appreciated this saving tool and received another portion of motivation to invest in BlaBla token. Staking is the process of locking the tokens under some interest rate. During this period, the access to staked funds is limited and unavailable. Access to staked funds becomes available when the staking period is over. Investor receives not only staked amount but a bit more according to interest rate which was chosen. Staking is very close to banking deposit that’s why smart investors usually prefer to invest in projects which offer staking options. BlaBlaGame team offers 3 staking options for different periods: 3, 6 or 12 months. The longer the period, the higher is the interest rate. At the moment of writing this article, BlaBlaGame team offers 40% annually for the staking option of 12 months.

BlaBlaGame Investment Risk Level: Low

Despite the fact that investments into digital assets are associated with high-risk, BlaBlaGame is considered to be a low-risk project. And there are a few reasons of this. First of all, GameFi trend is still ongoing. It means gaming projects are still a subject to investors’ interest. Secondly, the team presented solid and robust product. To be more precise, the whole gaming ecosystem with the game itself, deposit and withdrawal modules, rating system, cashback, user wall sections, token sale platform, etc. It means the team has enough experience to deliver the results before they started to attract additions investments for further development process. Thirdly, the team is KYCed. It definitely adds trust to the project. Fourthly, the team shows good presence in social network, constantly conducts AMA sessions and gives interview to journalists. Fifthly, the hype level around the project is getting higher from day to day. The platform has already been tested by more than 2,000 users for a short period of time. BlaBla token (BLA) has attractive investment feature which lies in its deflationary model. Unlike many fiat currencies which are always subject of additional emission and associated with its inflation, BlaBla token is digital asset which does not suffer from inflation. Vice versa, the number of BlaBla tokens is always decreasing in number in circulation supply. It happens because of the fee which is charged by the system from the players when the play the game. The fee is charged in BlaBla token (BLA). The lower number of tokens in circulation, the higher the price of the token on the trades.

BlaBlaGame Executive Summary

Taking into account all considerations above, our editorial staff believes that investment risk associated with investments into BlaBlaGame project and its token is low. That’s why BlaBlaGame is considered to be the best ICO crypto GameFi of 2023 to invest in. More than 2,000 players and investors appreciated the quality of the project and utilized investment opportunity which they were provided. One should bear in mind that the number of BlaBla tokens accessible for purchase is strictly limited. Token sale campaign may be stopped any time. Make haste not to lose your investment chance.